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Through real-talk humor, shared stories and lessons learned, Grand Plans gives readers a best-practice primer for mitigating geri-drama before it begins and shaping Golden Years expectations before they are disappointments. Uniquely culled and crafted from the shared experience of millions, Grand Plans is one of the few nonprofessional accountings of senior planning that walks readers through this season’s myriad challenges and transforms them with practical, real-life insight and advice.

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f you’re one of the more than 50 million senior citizens and 65.2 million Gen-Xers today embarking on that ride into the sunset, Grand Plans will empower you to acknowledge, embrace and step into your senior destiny with newfound pizzaz and life purpose – it’s a positively spun “What Not to…” do glow-up manual for adults on their Golden Years approach.

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Grand Plans seeks to normalize conversations about aging and help empower all adults -- including the 50 million senior citizens and 65.2 million Gen-Xers out there -- to start real-talking about and planning for the Golden Years now.


Newly retired writer, ruminator and thinker