Grand Plans: September 12, 2024
A semi-monthly newsletter from Grand Plans designed to normalize and celebrate our glorious geri-destiny through information, stories, real talk conversation, smart planning and shared experience.
Things I’m prattling on about today
As many of you may know, I began classes for my masters of science degree in Gerontology last month at the University of North Carolina Greensboro -- a school renowned for its studies in social gerontology and one of the few programs accredited by the Accreditation for Gerontology Education Council. Ya'll, it is invigorating! I love being back in school! I appreciate the opportunity to dust off and gas up those cobwebby learning folds of my brain, collaborate with others, absorb new information and get feedback (grades) on my performance and understanding of concepts. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but it's actually really fun IMHO.
Most of all, being back in the classroom is affirming. I feel like I am on the right track with all this obsessive thinking about aging and how to prepare for it. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say I think we should all be a little more familiar about the concepts and theories connected to Gerontology. It's literally going to be everyone's course of study one day, like it or not.
During the past few weeks, I've learned that there is a unique discipline and science to Gerontology and it impacts almost every other study and part of life. Gerontology touches everything we know about our bodies, our minds and our souls. I wouldn't be too far off by saying Gerontology is really at the center of our existence. And the more we know about it and embrace it and understand its connectivity to all else, the better we can be at navigating our second half.
I look forward to sharing what I'm learning and explaining how it influences how we Grand Plan, and why. I'll still real talk about other important dialogue and relatable scenarios, but look for more content about the whys and hows of it all. The writing is definitely on the chalkboard: understanding a little more about Gerontology is a key to prepared aging!
News you can use
Just what is the study of Gerontology? This page from the University of North Carolina Greensboro will set you straight.
Lifelong learning is important no matter what you’re studying, according to this UNESCO report.
Ready to get back to your seat at the head of the classroom? This article shares some great information about where older adults can get some serious learning bang for their buck!
If there’s such demand in the healthcare field for doctors specializing in geriatrics, why aren’t more people going for it? This Washington Post story attempts to frame it up.
The last Grand Plans presentation of the season is happening TOMORROW, September 13 at River Garden! This is a wonderful event sponsored by the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida. Hope to see you there!
.I have started a new social media series on the Grand Plans Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn pages that aims to impart some of the knowledge I’ve garnered from my Gerontology studies at UNCG. Check it out, it’s called GerontoloGee whiz!
By the way…if you’re not following Grand Plans on social media, you’re missing out! Follow @GrandPlans2022 on Instagram, @MyGrandPlans on Facebook and Susanna P. Barton on LinkedIn.
Grand Plans Podcast
I welcome any podcast guest suggestions! This season we’re talking to people who have been there done that. We’re talking about our experiences and lessons learned. Let me know if you want to be part of the conversation and sharing! I am in the process of recording the first few, so do let me know if you’d like to be a guest! The theme here is short and sweet. They’ll each be about 10 minutes and get to the takeaway quickly. Would love to have you on “the show.”
Shelf life
I just re-read The Book of Charlie to brush up on the content for last week’s book club with the Cathedral Bookstore. I highly recommend picking it up if you haven’t already. I learned so much about embracing change and approaching life from Charlie’s example. I think you will, too! You can buy it at your local bookstore or on Amazon.
And, of course, it’s always a good idea to buy another copy of Grand Plans and the Grand Planner for yourself and for all the other one-day older adults you know — which, by the way, means all of us!
Shared experience
We can all learn from each other’s geri-scary moments. What are some of your takeaway lessons? What have you promised yourself you’ll never do to your loved ones? What worked for you? What didn’t? More conversation and story-sharing helps elevate the senior experience for all of us. If you want to share your grand tales, email and I’ll put them in an upcoming newsletter.
Some golden gedunk and goods
Get yourself another few copies of Grand Plans: How to Mitigate Geri-Drama in 20 Easy Steps and the Grand Planner for all the people who like getting gifts in your life! Visit for links to purchase on Amazon.
Check out our Grand Plans merch in our Etsy storefront.